Before you start booking it helps to know which tutor you would like to book. All our tutors can be viewed on our tutor profile page. If you need advice regarding which tutor to book - contact
Please note that we believe that tuition is not just a transaction, but a relationship - we therefore ask KTL Tuition clients to commit to a full term of tuition. We do not supply an ad-hoc tutoring service.
By booking you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions
Once you have booked your preferred tutor, session day and time, we will set up the booking for the term and send you an invoice for payment.
Address: 642 New North Road, Morningside, Auckland, 1022, New Zealand
Phone: +64 09 8494 232
Address: 642 New North Road, Morningside, Auckland, 1022, New Zealand
Phone: +64 09 849 4232